Plastic Bottle caps

A while ago i decided to involve in my daily routine small acts that can change someone’s life. Not long ago i realized how small acts of kindness can make a big difference. And Today i am more conscious on how easy it is to share your experience and maybe become an inspiration for someone out there.

An NGO in Lebanon (ARC EN CIEL) launched a campaign almost 6 years ago to collect plastic bottle tops to encourage recycling, while raising money for wheelchairs.

I heard about the campaign back then, and took the whole idea lightly. It is recently that i realized i can do something about it. I placed a cardboard box in my office and another one at home.  Since then i have collected almost 3 boxes of bottle caps with the help of family and friends.

The whole process is so effortless! it’s only about building a habit that will make a difference in you and someone else’s life. It’s like a win-win situation.

All you need to do is contact Arc En Ciel (961 1 495561.5), they provide free pickup from your desired address.


“Don’t look for big things, just do small things with great love…the smaller the thing, the greater must be our love.” Mother Theresa


Joe – The hairdresser AKA The singer

Joe Raad “an eminent hairdresser from Lebanon” has a song!!! a hairdresser has a hobby (something he mentioned during his interview with “Al Nasher” on New TV on yesterdays episode)! Fair! nothing to argue about! Don’t we have “singers” out there with even worst singing skills?? 

A video clip that suits the song, and outfits that suits nature and the location??? still Fair, aren’t we all fighting for “freedom of choice” for ages?! ok still no room for Criticism…

Personally if i heard the song first on radio, without ‘seeing’ the video clip and ‘knowing’ the name of the singer AKA without prior judgement, i would have easily admitted that the lyrics and music of the song are ear catchy even better than “Boos el WAWA” or “ana dana and dandan fata7 3aynak tekol malban“!!! What’s malban anyways? 

BUT the weird part about the whole thing I think (lets emphasize on “I”) is that the Hairdresser/singer is not singing for me or her or her or the other her! He is singing for “him”. I mean “WE” all do respect differences and your own choice and preference in your personal life whether it’s a HE or HE but in public?! I mean dude, it would have been smoother on our brains if you just pretended the “Nazra Menik” not “nak”, “ya bent el Nas” not “Eben” and so on… both cases the message would’ve been OUT anyways! 

Again, that’s a personal point of view i wanted to share. If you have any thoughts let us hear them. 

You can watch the whole thing here and judge for yourself! 

How to obtian Armenian Passport from Lebanon

“Armenia is going to enter the European Union and am applying for the Armenian Passport” That’s what I’ve been hearing lately from everyone, even my non-Armenian friends. ‘Let me do it before its too late’, i said to myself!

The process takes up to 8 months. To obtain the passport you have to travel to Armenia. All application is applied in the  Embassy of Armenia in Rabieh, Mtailab. You can track your application by calling the embassy.

Contact information:
  28, Rue des Jasmins, Mtayleb, Lebanon
+961 (4) 418860
+961 (4) 402952
Working Days and Hours
: Monday to Friday 8:30-15:30

I started asking around about the procedures, papers needed, steps to follow, applications needed… and i discovered that it has as always become a monopoly in the hands of this sworn syndicate or that! So i decided to do it by myself and share with you all details. Hope it helps.

Papers needed to Apply:
1- Photo
* Size: 35x45m
* 6 photos

2- Application
* For free
* Filled in by the translator

3- Document of birth in Arabic  (وثيقة ولادة)
* Takes 2 days to finish
* Is done by the Mokhtar (Jean Momdjian | Burj Hammoud)
* Costs 30,000 L.L.
* You need to have your ID with you

4- Ratification (تصديق) of the photocopy of your passport
* You need to take your passport and go to the public security (الامن العام) in mathaf building #1, second floor.
* You need a 1000LL worth of stamp, you can buy it from the cafeteria inside.
* Go to the second floor. They will photocopy the first page of your passport and the ratification (تصديق) process will only take few minutes.

5- ورقة عمادة from the Diocese of the Armenians

PS: If your mother is Armenian (your half Armenian), you can still apply for the Passport.

General Information:
– Once your papers are ready you have to go apply them in the Embassy on specific days and time set by the Embassy. (contact the embassy before going)
– Once you apply all your documents and pay, you have to do the “test” which is in Armenian, 4 pages, multiple choice question. (it is extremely easy, since you can get the questions and answers before applying)
– When the above is done, you will get a receipt with your payment and a reference number you can use to follow up later.
– The process might take more than 8 months up to one year and sometimes in cases more than a year.
– After the awaited period the Embassy will contact you to fill in a one page document with details about you (Which they added later on the list of documents).
– After filling and signing the paper, you have to wait for another few months till the embassy contacts you for your passport (The person applying for the passport have to be in person applying for all the above).

UPDATES: Some Procedures have changed and as follows:
You don’t have to travel to Armenia to get your passport.
– As per below receipt 162USD has to be paid in Lebanese Lira when you go get your passport from the embassy in Lebanon.

Back to 90’s

If you’re born in the 70’s or 80’s, then you’ll definitely into the greatest songs of the 90’s. I remember i was in my teens during that period. There were no phones, no iPod’s, no laptops, no access on the internet (not for me); only the local radio stations that played the hits.

To hear a song on the radio you’d have to keep it on all day long maybe if you were lucky enough, the play it again! or if you were lucky enough you’d have the cassette that has it all.

Nowadays all is so easy. We have  or any other website where you can download the song you desire!

some of the greatest hits you can listen to:
Bryan Adams ft. Melanie C. “when you’re Gone”
No mercy “where do you go”
Ace of Base “All that she wants”
Mr. president “Coco Jambo”
Cher “Believe”
Backstreet Boys “I Want It That Way”
R.E.M “Losing my religion”
Whitney Houston “I Will Always Love You”
Sinéad O’Connor “Nothing Compares 2 U”
Celine Dion – “My Heart Will Go On”
kaoma “lambada” (80’s)
and many more….

synonym to vampires

I’ve been really devastated lately by the amount of time I’m spending at work instead of enjoying the sun and the life outside these 4 walls! So i decided to let them out below!

As all of you know most companies in Lebanon operate for 5 days / week. Of course there are the “greedy” ones, that have added the 6th day. They are the ones that suck your time just like vampires suck blood! To respect the minority i will say “most” Lebanese business owners have this motto in life that says “I’m paying you at the end of the month, automatically your life is mine, your time is mine, i am authorized to invest you and your time to the maximum”.

Time is the most precious commodity you own and we are aware that no technology like the so called “time machine” and however far we go, can revert you back to the minute that just passed by. So what are we left with? the “amount” of money that at the end of the month does you nothing but covering the basic living expenses and paying your bills?!

This is how you spend you weekdays, doing nothing but working, at least most of the days, stuck in the routine of counting the hours from the very first minutes you get into the office on Monday. And finally weekend is here. You have plans for partying, going to beach, jogging… but as well the chores! oh the chores! Bill payments, paperwork…

The typical Saturday for me starts with the annoying alarm beeping for a wake up call to start the day early and finish the piled up list of chores. Payments to do, the car to wash (which usually takes up to 2 hours)… and above all time lost in the damn traffic!

The three quarter of your Saturday is vanished. The remaining is what you’re left with to eat, sleep, watch TV, relax and party!

This is why 99% of the working class day dream of wining the Loto. Monday’s and Thursday’s are our only hope to freedom 🙂

a note from a DD addict!

I’ve been going to Dunkin Donuts since i was at 11th grade. We used to run away from school, me and my classmates, cross the freaky highway (something i would never think of doing again) take the risk of punishment, all this for a cup of coffee?!!
Well i don’t think it was only for the coffee, there was something about the place that made me fall in love with it & become a DUNKIN DONUTS addict!

Back then am not sure who picked this place as a runaway or why, but i know that we always wanted to be the cool dudes of the school & Dunkin was the place that gave us the title. Funny isn’t it? but it was true. Right timing, right place! 🙂

Throughout the years i realized that DD (as i call it now) is not just a place i hang out & spend time with friends, this place holds lots of great memories. “If only walls can talk, it won’t stop laughing & telling stories only i will understand”.
Today, nothing has changed, except the fact that i don’t have to run away from school anymore :). I still go to DD almost everyday. My favourite branch is the one i used to go 10 years ago! the Zalka branch! for me it’s home away from home!

This post is a thank you note for YOU! you for making coffee available 24 hours, you for waking us up everyday & you for giving us the chance to mingle & built friendships.

Keep up the great job!
The DD addict

Move it!

Whatever you dance whether Salsa, belly dance, hip hop, Latin… just dance, let go all your negative energy & indulge in it.

If you hear a beat whether you are at home in front of the television, in you car on your way home, in a bar with your friends… just move it, you’ll feel better 🙂